Monday, March 07, 2005

Subscribers In 42 Countries And Counting!

I fancied a little break during writing today, so I decided to count up how many different countries the subscribers to the Badminton Secrets Mini-course were from.

I was amazed - 42!! Badminton truly is a global sport, and I feel humbled that what I write goes out to so many different nations.

The 42 are, in no particular order:

UK, US, Canada, Phillipines, Croatia, Poland, Fiji, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, China, Belgium, Malaysia, Iceland, Singapore, Japan, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, India, Ireland, Australia, Slovenia, Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico, Argentina, Qatar, Brazil, Hong Kong, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Sweden, Romania, New Zealand, South Africa, Luxembourg, Bahrain, Bulgaria and ... Kenya!!

PHEW!! I am truly humbled.

If you are a subscriber and your country's not on the list, please email me and I'll add it, so we can prove that badminton really has covered the globe!


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